Newsletter Studio 12
Change log

For Umbraco 12


Patch-release with bugfixes.

dotnet add package NewsletterStudio --version 12.1.7
  • Import recipients now ignore casing when looking for email duplicates (#3181)
  • Issue with backoffice user authentication and chunked cookie (#3180)
  • Issue where ViewFinder would not find unsubscribe.cshtml from theme or global override folder (#2942)
  • Issue with sending many transactional emails in a tight loop from a async UmbracoApiController (#3017).
  • Issue with parsing links with ampersands encoded as & (#3026)
  • Removed feature to remove controls using delete key on keyboard due to key presses falling trough from modal windows causing unreliable deletes. (#3025)


Patch-release with minor bugfixes and enhancements.

dotnet add package NewsletterStudio --version 12.1.6
  • Issue with ReservedPaths sometimes falling back to default from CMS (#2904).

  • Improved error message and logging around SMTP Pickup Email Service Provider (#2602).


Patch-release with minor bugfixes and extensibility enhancements.

dotnet add package NewsletterStudio --version 12.1.5
  • Removed sealed from built in email editor control types to make them overridable (#2764).
  • Fixes issue with URL-casing and campaign overview report (#2797).


The List-Unsubscribe-release, where we've added support for the List-Unsubscribe header.

dotnet add package NewsletterStudio --version 12.1.4
  • Support for List-Unsubscribe header that will be added to campaigns automatically.


Release with new "file based" configuration support and some bug fixes.

dotnet add package NewsletterStudio --version 12.1.3
  • Support for file based configuration (#2724)
  • Issue with link click tracker replacing existing utm-tags (#2706)

  • Issue with deleting transactional templates (#2723)


Patch-release with fixes and improvments.

dotnet add package NewsletterStudio --version 12.1.2
  • Bouncehandler-parser to understand malformed Amazon SES-bounce emails. #2628
  • Pagination for Campaigns in Content App. Improved over all pagination and scrolling experience. #2648 & #2671
  • Google Analytics-tracking issues when overriding utm_campaign & utm_content. Also fixed issue with querystring parameter naming, changed utm_name to utm_campaign. #2649
  • Opening-tracking pixel logged error when tracking information was stripped by anti-tracking software. #2647
  • Fixed issue where invalid HTML-documents (containing html,head or body-elements inside the root body-element), might be stripped in the middle during CSS-inlining. #2624


This is the first stable "Linux/MacOS"-release, see the 12.1.0-rc1 announcement for details about changes in 12.1.0.

dotnet add package NewsletterStudio --version 12.1.0
  • Support for running Newsletter Studio on Linux and MacOS

  • Fixes to the email bounce parser (#2628)
  • Technically there are breaking changes in this release but this is only around the casing of filenames and folders which will not have any impact on installations running on Windows. Since this is the first version with support for Linux you should not have to make any changes if you want to continue running on Windows.

    If you want to move an existing installation from Windows to Linux you'd need to adjust some folder names, please see the documentation for more details about this.


This is the "Linux/MacOS"-release. All changes in this release are related to support for this.

dotnet add package NewsletterStudio --version 12.1.0-rc1
  • Support for running Newsletter Studio on Linux and MacOS
  • Technically there are breaking changes in this release but this is only around the casing of filenames and folders which will not have any impact on installations running on Windows. Since this is the first version with support for Linux you should not have to make any changes if you want to continue running on Windows.

    If you want to move an existing installation from Windows to Linux you'd need to adjust some folder names, please see the documentation for more details about this.


The "rate limit"-release that includes improved error handling in the send out engine and a feature to configure a rate limit when sending via SMTP.

dotnet add package NewsletterStudio --version 12.0.3
  • Added rate limit support for built in SMTP Email Service Provider (#2493)
  • Improved error handling inside batches in send out engine. (#2537)


Patch-release with some bug fixes and additional features.

dotnet add package NewsletterStudio --version 12.0.2
  • Support for resending transactional emails (#2288)
  • CSV-export for recipients and mailing lists (#381)
  • Issue with BBC-emails when sending one single transactional email to multiple recipients. (#2489)
  • Issue with displaying recipients when a transactional email with multiple recipients was not sent as individual emails. (#2495)


Patch-release for Umbraco 12 with fixes and improvements.

dotnet add package NewsletterStudio --version 12.0.1
  • Automatically adding Newsletter Studio-paths (~/__ns/) to Umbraco reserved paths to avoid hitting ContentFinders before requests go to our controllers (#2447).
  • SQL truncation-error for nsTrackingCampaignEmail-rows with long error messages (#2435)
  • Solved preview-issue in "Import Recipients Wizard" when importing duplicated data (#1835).


First stable release for Umbraco 12

dotnet add package NewsletterStudio --version 12.0.0
  • Overlay issue in property editors for transactional email picker and mailing list picker (#2419)


Initial release candidate for Umbraco 12

dotnet add package NewsletterStudio --version 12.0.0-rc1

Support for Umbraco 12