
v 14.0.0

Notifications / Events

Newsletter Studio uses the build in Notification mechanism in Umbraco to fire notification events.

Here's a simple example of a notification handler that kicks in just be for a Email Service Provider sends a email.

public class EmailSendingHandler : INotificationHandler<EmailSendingNotification>
    public void Handle(EmailSendingNotification notification)
        // The Message-parameter, of type object, will be different 
        // concrete type depending on which EmaiL Service Provider that is used.
        if (notification.Message is MailMessage legacyMessage)
            legacyMessage.Subject = "Glenn";

        if (notification.Message is MimeMessage mimeMessage)
            mimeMessage.Subject = "Glenn";

Please refer to the official Umbraco documentation for detailed instructions on how to setup a notification handler.

Here's a list of the current events that we're providing, we're working to add more events, feel free to reach out if you're missing something.


Fired by a Email Service Provider just before a e-mail is sent. The parameter will be the concrete e-mail message type for this provider.


Fired when the Newsletter Studio-tree has been rendered. Use this to change the menu items in the tree