Each license includes one Workspace, additional Workspaces cost €99 / Workspace. Questions? See our Pricing FAQ.

{{vm.selectedOption.price | number : 2}}

Excluding VAT

Configure workspaces

Here you should configure the Workspaces you need to use for this license. One workspace is included in the price, add more by pressing be button below.

Your information

When purchasing a license you need an account to hold your licenses and invoices.

We've fetched your information from your account, please update if needed.

Already have an account?

If you already have an account, please sign in here.

Create new account?

Just fill out the form, and we'll create the account for you after your payment.


It looks like you're based in an EU-country, if you have a VAT-number please enter it here.



Workspace Key: {{vm.orderModel.workspaces[0].key}}
Live domain {{vm.orderModel.workspaces[0].domainLive}}
Staging domain {{vm.orderModel.workspaces[0].domainStage}}
Development domain: {{vm.orderModel.workspaces[0].domainDev}}
Price: € {{vm.selectedOption.price | number : 2}}
Workspace Key: {{workspace.key}}
Live domain {{workspace.domainLive}}
Staging domain {{workspace.domainStage}}
Development domain: {{workspace.domainDev}}
Price: € {{vm.selectedOption.additionalWorkspacePrice | number : 2}}
Total: € {{vm.orderPrices.totalWithoutVat | number : 2}}
Vat: € {{vm.orderPrices.totalVat | number : 2}}
To Pay Now: € {{vm.orderPrices.totalCharge | number : 2}}


You've chosen to subscribe to a yearly upgrade extension, the first 12 months include free upgrades after this we'll charge you the following to extend the upgrades for another 12 months.

Description Count Price Total
Upgrade-subscription for Package 1 € {{vm.selectedOption.subscriptionPrice}} € {{vm.selectedOption.subscriptionPrice}}
Upgrade-subscription for additional Workspace {{vm.orderModel.workspaces.length - 1}} € {{vm.selectedOption.subscriptionWorkspacePrice}} € {{((vm.orderModel.workspaces.length - 1) * vm.selectedOption.subscriptionWorkspacePrice)}}
Yearly fee: € {{vm.selectedOption.subscriptionPrice + ((vm.orderModel.workspaces.length - 1) * vm.selectedOption.subscriptionWorkspacePrice)}} / year
Please accept the terms and conditions to continue

Something when wrong, details:
