When purchasing a license you need an account to hold your licenses and invoices.
We've fetched your information from your account, please update if needed.
Workspace Key: | {{vm.orderModel.workspaces[0].key}} |
Live domain | {{vm.orderModel.workspaces[0].domainLive}} |
Staging domain | {{vm.orderModel.workspaces[0].domainStage}} |
Development domain: | {{vm.orderModel.workspaces[0].domainDev}} |
Workspace Key: | {{workspace.key}} |
Live domain | {{workspace.domainLive}} |
Staging domain | {{workspace.domainStage}} |
Development domain: | {{workspace.domainDev}} |
Total: | € {{vm.orderPrices.totalWithoutVat | number : 2}} |
Vat: | € {{vm.orderPrices.totalVat | number : 2}} |
To Pay Now: | € {{vm.orderPrices.totalCharge | number : 2}} |
You've chosen to subscribe to a yearly upgrade extension, the first 12 months include free upgrades after this we'll charge you the following to extend the upgrades for another 12 months.
Description | Count | Price | Total |
Upgrade-subscription for Package | 1 | € {{vm.selectedOption.subscriptionPrice}} | € {{vm.selectedOption.subscriptionPrice}} |
Upgrade-subscription for additional Workspace | {{vm.orderModel.workspaces.length - 1}} | € {{vm.selectedOption.subscriptionWorkspacePrice}} | € {{((vm.orderModel.workspaces.length - 1) * vm.selectedOption.subscriptionWorkspacePrice)}} |
Yearly fee: | € {{vm.selectedOption.subscriptionPrice + ((vm.orderModel.workspaces.length - 1) * vm.selectedOption.subscriptionWorkspacePrice)}} / year |
Something when wrong, details: