Working on support for Umbraco 14

Umbraco 14 is a milestone in the modern Umbraco history. Some talk about it as the front end version of the movement from .NET Framework to .NET Core in Umbraco 9.

The whole backoffice has been rewritten, removing the legacy AngularJS implementation in favor of a modern frontend application based on Web Components implemented with Lit. This also means major changes for any package that is extending the backoffice.

The process

Umbraco released it's first more or less stable release candidate in the end of Q3 2023, at this point package developers was able to start migrating to the new version. We have been following and contributing to the development of the new backoffice ever since the early beta-versions, while working to make Newsletter Studio run on v14, a huge task that is still in progress.

Current status

Currently our email designer has been migrated to use web components and most of the overall architecture has been migrated but we still have work to do. We will not be ready at the point when Umbraco 14 is released but we're putting all our efforts into the migration and plan to be ready before the end of Q3 2024. 

Just like when Umbraco 9 was released, we believe that it will take some time for the package community to catch up. Choosing to base a new project on the early versions of Umbraco 14 will mean that you're on the "bleeding edge" and you'll probably have to be patient for packages to migrate.

We'll continue to update this blog post with any relevant information about the progress and of course communicate when we have a beta version available.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us.


Update 2024-07-24

The migration work is still in progress, we have decided to base our first v14-release on a patch-version of Umbraco 14, at the moment that is 14.1.1 since it contains bug fixes that we would otherwise have to work around. Keep this in mind if you are planing to migrate a project that used Newsletter Studio.

Update 2024-09-11

We're planing to bump the target Umbraco-dependency for our initial v14-version of the package to Umbraco 14.2 or 14.3. If you are planing to use Newsletter Studio in a Umbraco 14-project be ready to upgrade your Umbraco 14 installation to be able to run our package.

The work progresses slower than expected and we still have work to do around sending campaigns form the content-section and analytics/reporting views. Our initial plan to be ready by the end of Q3 seems to be hard to meet. If you're waiting for our release for your own work, please let us know and we'll be happy to reach out and offer early access to releases. 



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